Greene County district court, week ending July 29

In Greene County district court Joseph Virgil Peterson, 39, of Jefferson was sentenced July 22 to five years in prison after he changed his plea to guilty to a charge of operating while intoxicated- third offense. After serving 30 days in jail the remainder of the sentence will be suspended and he will be on probation to the Iowa Department of Corrections for two years. He must undergo a substance abuse evaluation and complete any recommended treatment at his own expense. he must pay a $3,125 fine with a $468.75 surcharge. Court costs were $100. (Sentencing: Honorable Joseph B. McCarville)

Information is available since the return of an arrest warrant that Jesse James Bennett, 26, of Linden was charged with trespass causing injury or damage greater than $300. The case was initiated 1/11/2022; the warrant was served 7/21.

Cases were initiated during the week ending July 29 as follows: Bryan J. Bryant, 64, of Denison, OWI- first offense; and Rick Eugene Tuhn, 42, of Grand Junction, driving while license barred.

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